$$$Last one This version of MultiDoc is not forward compatible to this version of document. Read-Only file access. Volume is locked Bookmark CRC check indicates file has been corrupted No searchable tokens Caller of readLine attempted to read text line larger than available space; remainder of line will be read next call MediaSet is unusable. It has been truncated or overwritten. Delete and rebuild it. Error opening file (other than: file does not exist or file is locked). Error opening file: file is locked or sharing violation detected. Specified IDoc file is not a valid Index Document Specified MediaSet file is not a valid MediaSet Signature of specified MediaSet does not match that of the MediaSet the specified MultiDoc was compiled with. Topic is not formatted MediaSet has (already) been finalized; cannot add new items or finalize it again. MediaSet was not closed by properly by an earlier application and may be corrupted; delete it and rebuild. Cannot edit BookmarkSet: Volume Locked Unable to locate the note for this bookmark Cannot access BookmarkSet Bookmark not found in Bookmark Collection Collection not found in BookmarkSet Hash table size must be a prime number; specified size was not prime Unable to decompress object Attempt to store a MediaItem with the same name as one already in MediaSet Attempt to load item from MediaSet with invalid location or non-existent name Invalid operation on object Invalid file type File not found / does not exist End-of-file encountered on read The MultiDoc is incomplete Cannot understand Find Expression Requested Index not in IDoc Not a topic Group not defined in index Index has already been built Alias not defined Alias already defined Iteration cancelled - no error KeyList is empty No keyList with this number MultiDoc will not open Keylist not known DBT Tree not packed DBT duplicate key Generic non-fatal failure DBT cache full Not a Multidoc User cancelled System error Out of memory Seek error Write error Read error File error OK